

Available on iPhone and Android. “Relax with Calm, a simple mindfulness app feature in the New York times and LifeHacker, that will bring more clarity, joy, and peace of mind into your life, at work or at home.



Available on iPhone and Android. “Meditation made simple. Guided meditations suitable for all levels from Headspace. Meditation can help improve your focus, exercise mindful awareness, relieve anxiety and reduce stress.”


Smiling Mind

Available on iPhone and Android. “Smiling Mind is modern meditation, a unique web and app-based program developed by psychologists and educators to help bring balance to people’s lives.

Our programs are designed to assist people in dealing with the pressure, stress and challenges of daily life. We offer programs for;

– 7 – 9 yo
– 10 – 12 yo
– 13 – 15 yo
– 16 – 18 yo
– Adults
– Sport
– Mindfulness in the Classroom
– Mindfulness in the Workplace”



Available on iPhone and Android. “Seek happiness, find meaning – 29k helps you develop skills and resilience to live a happy and fulfilled life, as modern life is becoming increasingly complex. Our personal growth programs are based on the best psychological tools science has to offer, combined with a unique and powerful process of sharing with other people – and helps improve your emotional well-being.”


ACTive: Value based living

Available on iPhone. “ACTive is a personal guide to creating a life of meaning, purpose and vitality. Developed by psychologists, researchers and computer scientists and guided by key processes of Acceptance and Commitment Training (ACT) – an approach to behaviour change that has been validated by scientific research – ACTive works by helping you clarify and connect with your personal values and set effective values-based goals.”


ACT Coach

Available on iPhone. “Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) aims to help you live with unpleasant thoughts, feelings, and impulses without avoiding them or being controlled by them. In ACT, you are encouraged to commit to actions so that you can live your life by your values, even in the face of these unpleasant experiences. This app was developed for Veterans, Service Members, and other people who are in Acceptance and Commitment Therapy in consultation with a therapist. It offers exercises, tools, information, and tracking logs so you can practice what you’re learning in your daily life.”


ACT Companion

Available on iPhone and Android. “Develop and practice the skills you need to be present, open up and do what matters – with dozens of simple, yet powerful, interactive ACT exercises and tools based on the best-selling book, The Happiness Trap, by Dr Russ Harris.

If you’re working with an ACT coach, clinician, or self-help book, then ACT Companion will help you put what you’ve learned into practice and create meaningful change in your life.”



Available on iPhone and Android. “Practical, playful and beautifully-designed, buddhify increases your wellbeing by teaching you mindfulness-based meditation on the go.

With over 11 hours of custom meditations for 15 different parts of your day including traveling, being online, taking a work break and going to sleep, buddhify gives you a simple but effective way to bring more mindfulness and calm to your busy day.

With more and more evidence that it can reduce stress and improve wellbeing, there has never been more interest in mindfulness and meditation. However even if you want to try it out, most people don’t have that much spare time, think meditation is a bit too hippy or don’t know where to start. buddhify solves all this.”


High Res

Available on iPhone and Android. “High Res has been developed by the Australian Department of Veterans’ Affairs. It aims to assist serving and ex-serving Australian Defence Force personnel manage immediate responses to stress and help build resilience.

The app offers a range of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) tools, based on the Department of Defence’s BattleSMART program. This includes progressive muscle relaxation, challenging thoughts and healthy sleep.

You can use these tools to ‘test’ and ‘adjust’ your physical, cognitive, emotional and behavioural reactions to stress. This would be particularly helpful for managing the daily stresses of service life, deployment, transition to civilian life and life post-service.

You can also use the tools as part of performance training. Through regular use of the tools, you can ‘optimise’ your performance and build your resilience to stress. The app helps you test your resilience by taking a resilience survey, set performance goals and keep track of your progress over time.”


Mindfulness Coach

Available on iPhone.”Mindfulness means paying attention, on purpose, to whatever is going on in the present moment without passing judgment on it. Mindfulness has been shown to be effective for reducing stress, improving emotional balance, increasing self-awareness, helping with anxiety and depression, and coping more effectively with chronic pain. This app was developed to help Veterans, Service members, and others learn how to practice mindfulness. It offers exercises, information, and a tracking log so that you can optimize your practice.”



Available on iPhone and Android.”Omvana, the world’s most powerful meditation platform allows you to transcend your human limits. With the largest collection of meditations, Omvana has the right track for you regardless if you are spiritual or not.

If you’d like to learn how to meditate, or wish to take your meditation practice to the next level, Omvana can provide you with the right guidance.

Omvana can help you manifest abundance, work on your breath like a zen buddhist, and can even help with your yoga practice. The app also has a mixer that allows you to customise each meditation to your own daily practice.

And by using Apple’s HealthKit, Omvana can recommend you a track whenever you are stressed. From Apple’s HealthKit, Omvana uses your Date of Birth, Diastolic & Systolic Blood Pressure and your Heart Rate to evaluate your stress levels and recommend an appropriate meditation for you.

Once you grant Omvana the access to the above mentioned data from the HealthKit app, Omvana will automatically add suggested tracks to Omvana’s store section. These suggested meditations are determined based on your stress levels and your state of mind, by using the data mentioned above. Please note that Omvana does not store your health data and only use it to calculate your stress level.”



Available on iPhone and Android. “SmartQuit delivers an 8 day program that is completed before your quit day and you also get up to 6 months of additional support, messages and tools to support success. SmartQuit uses an Acceptance and Commitment (ACT) approach to quitting that is different from other programs.”


Stop, Breathe & Think

Available on iPhone and Android. “The Stop, Breathe and Think app is a free mindfulness, meditation and compassion-building tool that is simple, fun and easy to use. Check in to how you are thinking and feeling, and select emotions that guide you to recommended meditations.”


The Mindfulness App

Available on iPhone and Android. The Mindfulness App is used by more than a million meditators in over 130 countries. It includes a range of guided and silent meditations from 3 to 30 minutes, as well as a library with meditations by some of the world’s foremost meditation teachers such as Jon Kabat-Zinn, Eckhart Tolle, Jack Kornfield, Pema Chodron, Sharon Salzberg and many more (in partnership with Sounds True).”


The Sleep School

Available on iPhone and Android. “The Sleep School App is the revolutionary new app for overcoming insomnia.

The Sleep School App contains the following functionality:

Insomnia Survey – An introduction survey to help you understand the severity of your insomnia and where to focus your attention within the app.

Daily Sleep Tracker Calendar – to help you track the quality of your sleep and improvements each day.

5x Case-Study Animations – based on a real-life past client that The Sleep School has helped overcome with – these highlight the most insomnia prevalent issues affecting insomniacs and then how you can overcome them.

5x Audio Tracks – Mindfulness and Acceptance & Commitment Therapy audio recordings guided by Dr. Guy Meadows.

An interactive quiz – to teach you everything they need to know about insomnia & sleep.”

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